Many people just keep on losing not only their hair but confidence as well, thinking it as just natural, not trying to understand the reason behind that dreaded hair loss in men that often leads to baldness.

Hair loss can be natural (50-100 strands of hair on a daily basis, which is fine!), inherited, hormonal, or because of stress, or because of frequent changes in lifestyle too.

There have been no quality certified brands or companies that can prove that any medical treatment is fully efficient and effective for your falling follicle!

In that case, people only have one Godsend help, hair transplant.

What is a Hair transplant and how does it work?

Hair transplant is a minimally invasive, outpatient surgical process that can restore the hair of men and women, permanently on the sites where they were experiencing thinning of hair or baldness.

By taking the hair follicles (grafts) from the permanent hair sites and transplanting them on required areas, this is the only procedure that can give you assurance of your hairs growing back and you restoring your confidence altogether.

How much does it cost in Turkey?

Hair transplant not only requires your commitment to the procedure but also the financial investment that you have to make in the procedure and pre and post-care done. The cost of a hair transplant varies from location to location and surgeon to surgeon.

However, people have been saving a lot of money by traveling outside of the U.S. to get the hair transplant done.

That being said, according to the Este Medical Group, a leading aesthetic clinic that also has clinics all around the world, states that in recent times, Europe has been the top most trusted and famous location for hair transplant, especially Turkey.  

The FUE (follicular unit extraction/excision) is a hair transplant process that is done by very famous and skilled surgeons of Turkey.

Turkey has been becoming a hub for a hair transplant because of various reasons such as enticing accommodations, are making it famous for medical tourism.  

The hair transplant cost Turkey is not calculated or divided by the grafts but instead, by per session.

FUE and FUT are the most famous hair transplant procedures and that typically ranges in price for around $ 1.50 to $4.50 per hair graft.

This price can further be increased or decreased based on the automated procedures versus those that have to be done manually and slowly. Whereas, the hair transplant in the UK and many countries can fo up to 15-20,000 euros, hair transplant cost Turkey is just around 2000-3000 euros.

This variation is because the maximum number of grafts here are considered per session. Also, the variation of costs is because of numerous services and facilities that are being offered in a packaged deal for hair transplants.

Turkey is famous for its hair transplant treatment and this is the reason people are being attracted to get the treatment from there.

But it is imperative that you should get yourself consulted from the best doctor and surgeon that can suggest you on what type of hair loss are you suffering from and do you actually need a Hair Transplant? 


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