With the change in our eating habits and work-life causing and creating a hectic and stressful lifestyle, many factors have started to affect the lifestyle of people.  This has started to affect men and women.

Hair loss or alopecia is very common in people all around the world. People often cannot read the symptoms and that leads them to lose their aesthetics and, to baldness. Everyone loses around 50-100 hairs on a daily basis, this is normal as new hairs start to grow at the same time. Hair loss is when new hairs do not grow.

This can have many possibilities, and reasons, whether it is a hormonal imbalance, medical condition, or inheritance.

Hair loss can affect the aesthetics and confidence, causing anxiety and depression to anyone.

So what can be the solution for this?

The answer is to get a hair transplant. As there is no such proven or tested natural therapy or treatment that can treat baldness completely.

A hair transplant can be your one hope to get your lost charm back.

In this article, we are going to be talking about hair transplants, its process, and the cost you might have to pay!

How do a Hair Transplant works?

A hair transplant as a procedure is getting updated with modern needs.

As per the Este Medical Group, the Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE) hair transplant has been soaring and getting more popular as it can deal with all sorts of hair losses and give you effective results. In this type of hair transplant, the specialists at Este medical group remove the hair follicles that are healthy and sturdy from the donor sites and transplants them onto the bald sites of your head.

Each follicle is selected from the permanent hair zones of the head, this states that the transplanted hair will be resistant from DHT, which is the hormone responsible for the male pattern baldness, i.e, hair loss from the top front of the scalp.

This a whole lot different process from what was exercised until now for hair transplant as this doesn’t require whole strips of the scalp to be excised and the hair to be grafted out of them.

The FUE hair treatment, unlike any other invasive treatments, helps you to recover sooner and return to your normal work life in a very short period of time.

How much does it cost?

Turkey’s hair transplant industry has been booming as it is been visited by a lot of people that want to get their surgery done.

A Follicular Unit Extraction or FUE costs up to $25000 in the U.S. but costs a lot less, i.e, around, $1700 to $2000 in Turkey!

Hair Transplant cost Turkey, is quite less than around the world o matter what type of hair transplant you are looking forward to.

In our opinion, going for an FUE transplant under the supervision of Este Medical Group’s excellent doctors is the best option while going for a hair transplant.


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