Have you been under the misconception that weight-loss and fat-reduction are similar things? The answer is a simple NO.

They sound similar, but they have very different effects on the body. Fat reduction leads to a shift in body shape and silhouette, while weight loss can lead to a good shape, but it doesn't necessarily lead to a good body tone.

Have you ever wondered how fat cells actually work? It is the time between childhood and adolescence where the amount of fat cells in your body is set, although it may change slightly as you become an adult. This amount of fat cells in the body is entirely the body type of a person and cannot be the same for another person.

The next thing that generally pops up in everybody’s mind is, why does weight actually fluctuate?

The same fat cells appear to multiply, contributing to a rise in your hip, chin, and thigh region the minute you gain weight. You can quickly shrink these fat cells by adopting the practice of clean eating and daily exercise.

Here are some interesting tips for you to understand the basics that contribute to body fat:

1. Subcutaneous fat and visceral fat are two distinct types of body fat.

2. Subcutaneous fat refers to the type of fat you see rolling around the waist area.

3. Visceral fat refers to the hazardous fat that forms the organs and the rise in visceral fat contributes to life-threatening or life-long illnesses such as heart attacks and diabetes.

By means of the Fat Freezing Treatment, experts target subcutaneous fat when they use the Cryolipolysis technology, which is basically a non-invasive treatment to help you eliminate 20-25% of the fat in the areas you want for treatment. You're wondering where to go and who's going to be the expert for this procedure? The Este Medical Group, UK, has answers to all your questions. Just log on to www.estemedicalgroup.uk.

Fat Freezing Treatment is basically a procedure in which you undergo the loss of fat to look and feel healthier and fitter. What you need to do is find out your trouble areas where continuous exercise and diet still have little effect on the reduction of weight. You may select from areas such as Chin, Flank, Belly, Outer Thighs, Bra Fat, Inner Thighs, Upper Arms, Underneath Buttocks, etc.

Don't think about getting this Fat freezing treatment done. It's not a surgery, and there's no needle to get used to you. The Doctor targets the body parts that you want to be handled with paddles that cool quicker and stay on the body parts for a certain amount of time, contributing to the destruction of around 20-25% of the fat cells in the target area.

Make sure that you stop the Cryolipolysis process under the following conditions:

1. If your skin type is lost and your skin tone is not rich

2. If you have Cryoglobulinemia (when abnormal proteins in your body get thickened due to cold temperature)

3. If you have Cold Urticaria (when skin rashes grow because of cold temperature)

4. Paroxysmal cold Hemoglobinuria (a disorder that is essentially a form of anaemia, leading to a decrease of red blood cells at a cold temperature)

Fun Fact: You don't need to have a strict recovery period after you have undergone a Fat Reduction procedure. After your visit, you will be able to drive home.


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