Hair Transplants: What to Expect

 As with good health and youthfulness, we take our locks for granted until they are gone. A hair transplant turkey can bring back a full, or at least more full-looking head of hair for many people.

The procedure may be a way to improve your confidence in your appearance if you are concerned about your hair or thinning. Talk to your doctor first about what you can expect after and during the surgery.

What is a hair transplant?

This is a form of surgery that involves moving hair to replace thin or missing hair. These transplants have been performed in the United States since the 1950s. However, techniques have improved significantly in recent years.

The procedure is usually performed in the doctor's chair. The surgeon will first clean your scalp and then inject medicine to numb your back. The surgeon will decide between follicular units strip surgery (FUSS), or follicular units extraction (FUE).

The surgeon will remove a 6- to 10-inch piece of skin from your back using FUSS. The surgeon removes it and stitches the scalp shut. The hair surrounding it immediately conceals the area.

The surgeon's team then divides the removed scalp into 500-2,000 tiny grafts. Each graft can have a single hair or a few. The type and number of grafts you receive will depend on the type and quality of your hair and the area you are getting it transplanted.

The surgeon's team will trim your hair if you are undergoing the FUE procedure. The doctor will then remove individual hair follicles from the area. You will see small dots that heal the area.

Both procedures will be the same after that. After preparing the grafts, they clean and numb the area, make holes with a scalpel, or needle, then delicately place each graft into one of those holes. The surgeons will likely have help from other members of the team to plant the grafts.

The process can take anywhere from 4-8 hours depending on how large the transplant is. If you lose more hair or want thicker hair, you might need to have another procedure.

Expectations and Recovery

Your scalp might feel tender after the surgery. For several days, you may be required to take pain medication. For at minimum on dat, your surgeon advice you to cover your scalp with bandages. You may be prescribed an antibiotic or anti-inflammatory medication to use for several days. Most people can return to work within 2-5 days.

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