How can you transplant hair?

As we take our hair for granted, so are our youth and health. A Hair transplant turkey Many people can have thicker, fuller hair. This can increase confidence. Discuss with your doctor what to expect during and after the procedure.

What is a hair-transplant?

This is a procedure that involves the surgical removal and replacement of thin or missing hairs. Since the 1950s, these transplants have been performed in America. Recent years have seen significant improvements in techniques.

This procedure is most often performed in the doctor’s chair. First, the surgeon will clean your scalp. The surgeon will then inject medication into the back to numb it. The surgeon will then decide whether to remove or extract the follicular units (FUSS).

The surgeon will use FUSS, or Foundation Ultrasound Surgery, to remove 6-10 inches of your back. The surgeon will remove it and close the wound. It will be covered immediately by the hairs around it.

The surgeon will divide the scalp into 500-2,000 smaller transplants. One hair can be grafted or several. The quality of your hair and how it is being transplanted will determine the type and number of grafts you get.

If you have FUE, the surgeon's team will trim your hair. The doctor will trim your hair. The doctor will make small incisions to heal the area.


After that, both procedures will remain the same. After cleaning the area with a scalpel, surgeons will create the holes. The surgeons will carefully place each graft in the right hole. To plant the grafts, the surgeons may have assistance from other members of their team.

It takes anywhere from 4-8 hours, depending on the size of the transplant. You might need another procedure if you have thicker or more hair.


After the surgery, your scalp may feel tender. You may need to take pain medication for several days. Your surgeon may ask you to apply bandages to your scalp for at least one day. For several days, you may be given anti-inflammatory or antibiotic medication. Most people return to work in 2-5 days.

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How hair transplants can benefit you


  1. Transplanting hair can be a life-changing decision for many individuals seeking to restore their confidence and appearance. From my research and personal experience, I've learned that hair transplantation involves a meticulous process where hair follicles from donor areas are carefully extracted and then transplanted into areas experiencing hair loss. It's fascinating to see how advanced techniques like Follicular Unit Transplantation (FUT) or Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE) have made this procedure more precise and natural-looking. Consulting with a qualified hair transplant specialist is crucial to understand the suitability of the procedure for your specific needs and expectations. Plus, learning about post-operative care and realistic outcomes is essential to make an informed decision. Overall, the journey of hair transplantation is not just about regaining hair but also about regaining confidence and self-esteem.


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