Is it possible to transplant hair?
We take our hair for granted. Hair transplant turkey.
What's a hair-transplant?
This procedure involves the surgical removal of missing or thin hairs. The techniques have improved significantly in recent years.
This procedure can be done in the doctor's office. Next, the surgeon will wash your hair and inject medication into your back to numb it. Finally, the surgeon will decide whether to remove the follicular unit (FUSS) or not.
Your surgeon will use Foundation Ultrasound Surgery (FUSS) to remove 6-10 inches from your back. The wound will be immediately covered by the hairs surrounding it.
The surgeon will split the scalp into 500-2,000 smaller transplants. The type and quantity of grafts that you receive will depend on the quality of your hair.
FUE patients will have their hair cut by the surgeon. Incisions will be made to close the wound.
Both procedures will continue as before. Surgeons will clean the area with a scalpel. Other members of the team may be asked to help the surgeons place the grafts.
The procedure takes between 4-8 hours depending on how large the hair is. If you have thicker or longer hairs, another procedure may be necessary.
The pain and tenderness of the scalp after surgery can be temporary. Most people are able to return to work within 2-5 days.
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